I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
I have put together 10 New Testament profiles which I hope should prove of use. I have included all/many of the biblical references for all of them.
Mary and Joseph the parents of Jesus, and Zechariah and John the Baptist are related. Zechariah's wife, Elizabeth, is a cousin of Mary and John the Baptist is their son. I have included a statement explaining what happened normally to illegitimate babies in Israel 2000 years ago.
Andrew, Simon Peter and Matthew are three of the disciples of Jesus.
Mary Magdalene, according to the gospels, only had seven demons removed by Jesus. There is actually nothing to say what she did before she became a follower of Jesus.
Lazarus was raised from the dead and Stephen was the first Christian martyr.
Classes often have a 'starter' for the day. This can be How many words can you find in _________ On a special Christian festival why not take the name(s) as the starter.
This could be looked at 4 ways:-
1. Creating a list.
2. Placing the words in a 3x3 or 4x4 square.
3. Creating a simple crossword with clues.
4. The teacher/parent creating a crossword for the children to solve using the answers given.
The starter would be a combining of R.E. with an English spelling exercise.
John Newton loved to go to sea.
He had a very eventful early life. He went to sea with his father aged only 11. Aged 18 he was press ganged by the Royal Navy.
He became the ‘slave’ of Princess Peye. He eventually became a captain of three slave ships.
Whilst a slave trader, on 10th March, 1745, following a very sever storm where his boat nearly sank ,he had a spiritual conversion.He started to read his Bible.
He left the slave trade behind in 1755 and became the tide surveyor (tax collector) for the Port of Liverpool. He began to study to become a clergyman. Persistence paid off and eventually in 1764 to become a deacon.
William Cowper, the poet, attended his church and together they wrote many hymns - Amazing Grace was one of them.
He encouraged the young William Wilberforce to stay in politics.
He waited 34 years before he wrote a pamphlet ‘Thoughts Upon the Slave Trade’. He sent a copy to every MP
He died in 1807 knowing the British Passage of the Slave Trade act had been passed by parliament.
I have included a copy of Amazing Grace, a list of the books he wrote and a word search (answers provided) .
The slave trader who became the slave abolitionist and hymn writer. He was also the author of many Christian books.
William Wilberforce, although small in stature (5ft. 3 in,) and suffering from poor health, was the GIANT against the Slave Trade and Slavery.
Whilst still a student at Cambridge he paid the 'customary ’ amount of £8,000 ( a fortune in those days) to become the member of Parliament for Kingston on Hull, his home town.
Early on he became an evangelical Christian and wondered whether to stay a MP. John Newman, his mentor, persuaded him to ‘serve God where he was’. In his late 30’s he married Barbara Spooner and they had 6 children over a 10 year period. Barbara nursed William after he resigned from his parliamentary seat, in 1824 .
For 50 years he fought,supported by his friends, for the banning of the slave trade and slavery.
Persistence finally paid off. His bills originally were turned down or ‘watered down’ so they were of little effect.
It was only on his death bed did he succeed.
In 1833 he wrote his last petition. The Abolition of Slavery Bill had its third and final reading, on 26th July 1833, after three months of debate. William was immediately told and he died three days later.
I have included two brief history, some gap work and a word search (answers given).
We celebrate St. Luke, the evangelist, on October 18th. I have found a picture and written a a brief history of St. Luke. I have included the collect for the day. There is also a short crossword and word search -answers provided.
Saint Frithuswith is remembered on October 19th.
Saint Frithuswith is known under 6 different names. She is the patron saint of both Oxford and Oxford University. I have used the Wikipedia notes.
I found in my research, using Google, The Legend of Fridewide of Oxford. It gives the full story of her life but I was unable to download the story.
Saint Frithuswith has been depicted in a stained glass window, by Edward Burne-Jones,
In Christ Church Catherdral, In Oxford, where her shrine can alsobe located.
St. Hilda’s day is November 17th. She was the abbess at Whitby monastery in the seventh century. She is remember for a wisdom. She was so wise that even kings sought her opinion. She came from a Royal family. Her father, Hereric, was the great nephew of King Edwin of Northumberland. She never married and became a nun. For over 30 years she was the Abbess of Whitby.
I have included two brief histories, a piece of gap work and a crossword and word search - answers included.
A short information sheet about St. Elizabeth of Hungary. St.Elizabeth lived in the thirteenth century. She was of noble birth but wanted to help the poor. Her husband, king Ludwig, only cared about himself. She set up two hospitals and was willing to work with lepers. There is a fact sheet and a gap sheet. She is he patron saint of bakers.
Hugh Cook Faringdon’s feast day is November 15th .
Hugh Cook Farington was the last abbot of Reading Monastery.
He was found guilty of high treason because he did not accept that HenryVIII was the supreme head of religious matters. He believed the Pope was the supreme head of religious matters. Because he was found guilty of treason he suffered the indignity of being hung, drawn and quartered in front of Reading’s Abbey Gate on November 14th 1539.
I have put together several pieces of information about H.C.F. The first piece is like a time-line. The second sheet briefly explains about how the dissolution of the monasteries cam about. The third sheet is Wikipedia . The fourth sheet is a painting depicting H.C.F. being prepared for execution - the painting is in Reading’s Abbey gate. I have also included a word search with answers.
Saint Caedmon is an example of someone who late in life discovers he has a gift. He was a humble cowherd, of the seventh century, who after a dream found not only could he sing in tune but put Biblical stories to music.
I have written a short piece about the dream. I have included the detailed information created by Brittannia.com.
There is a copy of his only remaining hymn. According to the Venerable Bede Saint Caedmon’ could not compose any trivia’ .
I have attempted to write couplets using his end words.
George Muller is remembered for the tremendous work he did with orphans in the nineteenth century in Bristol. He, with his first wife Mary, were responsible for looking after over 10,000 orphans. If he needed anything he took it to the Lord in prayer.
He never solicited for donations but money or food or drink, or what ever was needed ‘happened’ following prayer.
He was also responsible for 117 Christian schools and the educating of 120,00 children.
Aged 70 he began a 17 year period of missionary travel with his new wife, Susannah, which took him across the five continents. This was in pre-aviation times and he covered some 200,000 miles. Incredible
He returned to England in 1892. He died on 10th March 1898 in New Orphan House no.3.
George Muller had originally came over to England in 1825 to work for the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews but due to ill health early on they went their separate ways. Their loss was Bristol orphans gain.
I have put together some information about Saint Mark, the evangelist and writer of the Gospel of Mark.
I have included all the scripture passages where he is named either as Mark or John Mark. He wrote the first of the three Synoptic gospels. He was the first bishop of Alexandria. He died a martyr 's death.
Saint Joseph of Arimathea feast day falls on the same day as Saint Patrick in some countries. Joseph was the one who went to Pontious Pilate, the Roman governor, to ask for the body of Jesus after his crucifixion. He with Nicodmus placed His body in a new tomb.
I have typed out in full all the passages where Joseph is mentioned in each of the four Gospels
He is mentioned in the Apocryphal (hidden) Gospels saying he went on a preaching mission to Gaul which lasted nearly thirt years.
Legends about Joseph and Glastonbury were written in the Middle Ages…
John Wycliffe was the first to translate, or inspire, the Bible being translated into English.
He, with his associates, John Purvey and Nicholas Hereford, set about the task between 1381-1384. At the time it was regarded as heresy. The Roman Catholic church in the UK did not want it translated into the common vernacular so that the general public could read it - it would have meant the church losing some of its power and influence.
John Wycliffe escaped being burnt at the stake during his life time but in 1428 his body was disinterred and burned.
I have included most of the article from Visionmedia - it covers all I wanted to write.
I found on Utube that there are useful clips to use about his life under the title Church History in 3 minutes.
There is also a lot of information on Wikipedia
William Cameron Townsend became known as Uncle Cam. He spent 60 years in Latin America working in many countries. His contribution to the academic community and his encouragement to members of small ethnic groups to understand their personal worth cannot be measured.
He had a dream that he wanted the whole world to be able to read the Bible in their native language.
This he set out to do by founding the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL).
He was a very humble man. A local man, from an Aztec village said Uncle Cam would leave his dinner not only for the president but also to talk with him.
His gravestone reads,** Dear Ones: By love serve on another. Finish the task. translate the Scripture into every language. Uncle Cam. The SIL continues to fulfill his dream.
I have used several web sites for my information including Wikipedia, wycliffe org. and tshaonline.org plus Ambassadors for Christ,
They were 2 Christian workers from the same country - China. Both were brilliant students with promising futures. Both were dynamically saved as teenagers and became diligent students of God’s word and zealous gospel preachers. Both were prolific speakers and writers. Both were persecuted for their ministry. Both changed many lives.
The ministries of Watchmen Nee and Witness Lee have brought a treasury of spiritual truth and life to the Body of Christ. Tom Smith
Watchmen Nee was a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age -the title of the biography written by his fellow worker Witness Lee. In the span of his 30 years of public ministry he made an indelible mark on the face of Christianity in China.
He was saved aged 17. His mentor was Margaret E. Barber ( See TES for more more info.). Nee was both a zealous preacher and a diligent student of the Bible.
His most widely recognized and appreciated books are The Normal Christian Life and The Normal Christian Church Life
Persecution resulted in Nee being imprisoned for 20 years (1952-72). This was his final note Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners and resurrected in 3 days. This is the greatest truth in the universe. I die because of belief in Christ. Watchmen Nee
Witness Lee was born in 1905 in th Shantung Province of China. He was saved aged 15. His dynamic salvation put him on a pathway of pursuit for the Lord did not stop until his death in 1997.
Nee (1903) and Lee (1905) were born only 2 years apart but Lee regarded Nee to be his spiritual father. In 1932 Nee asked Lee to overseer of Shanghai Gospel Bookroom. For 17 years years they laboured together.
In 1949 Nee realized that the new Communist Government would try to end their ministry. Lee reluctantly agreed to leave China for Taiwan.
Lee continued to labour in Taiwan through the 1950s, He saw the church grow over the next 5 years from 350 to 20,000. After 9 years he started to make visits to the West. He conducted conferences in London and Copenhagen. Between 1958-61 he visited the USA 3 times.
Lee moved to the USA in 1962. In the USA he presented the riches of Christ from the whole Bible. He continued to travel and speak in conferences and annual trainings. in 1965 establshed The Stream Publishers which became * Living Stream Ministry*. His most notable publication was* Life-Study of the Bible*. It took 20 years to complete (1974-95). Lee died in June 1997.
To date over 3, 000 churches on 6 continents.
*Watchman Nee and Witness Lee taught the same thing, were of the same spirit, and ministered with the same goal - to minister Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ in oneness, expressed in local churches all over the earth
Tom Smith
Sources used
Contending for the Faith
Two ministers one ministry
Sir George Williams was an English philanthropist and founder of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA).
The YMCA is the oldest and largest youth charity in the world. Its aim is to support young people to belong, contribute and thrive in their communities.
George was born into a farming family in Dulverton, Somerset, England. He was youngest of 7 surviving sons of Amos and Elizabeth Williams. He was baptized into the Church of England.
His family sent him to Bridgewater to be an apprentice at Henry William Holmes’ draper shop. 1837 saw him change from Anglicanism to the Zion Congregational Church.
1841 he moved to London and worked at Hitchcock& Roger’s drapers shop. He attended the King’s Weigh House Congregational Church. 3 years later(1844) he became departmental manager.
On the 6 th June 1844 George, aged just 22, gathered 11 other young drapers into the living quarters of Hitchcock & Rogers to create a place that would not tempt young men to sin. The name . Young men’s Christian Association (YMCA) was suggested by Christopher W. Smith. It promoted Muscular Christianity. George Hitchcock, George’s boss, and future father-in-law, was one of the first converts and contributors to the new association. He became the associations first treasurer. ( See* Founding of YMCA* for full list)
In 1853 he married Hitchcock’s daughter Helen Jane Maunder. Hitchcock and taken into partnership at the drapers. When Hitchcock died in 1863 George became sole owner.
The YMCA grew. It spread across London. It spread the USA. It reached Canada in 1851. In 1855 it went global. The first YMCA World Conference was organized. This produced the ’ Paris Basis’ - an international agreement about the aims of the YMCA. by 1905 there were 45 YMCAs across the world with a membership of 700,000.
In 1894, YMCA’s Silver Jubilee year, George was knighted by Queen Victoria and given the Freedom of the City of London.
Sir George died in 1905. The funeral took place in St. Paul’s Cathedral on 14th November, 2,600 attended. He was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
There is a commemorative stain glassed window in Westminster Abbey.
The YMCA, every year, on Founders Day - 6th June, remember and celebrate the 22 year old, George Williams, who created the largest youth charity in the world.
David O. Oyedepo is the founder, senior pastor and presiding Bishop of the megachurch Faith Tabernacle in Ota, Ogun State. Nigeria. It is also known as Winners’ Chapel International. It is the largest church in the world with regard to a seating capacity of 50,400.
( The Basilica of of Our Lady of Peace, in Rome, is a bigger building .)
David comes from a mixed religious family. His grandmother introduced him to the virtues of Christian life via early morning prayers which she attended with him. She taught him to tithe.
In 1969 he was ‘born again’ through the influence of his teacher, Betty Lasher.
He studied to be an architect and briefly worked with the Federal Ministry of Housing. He resigned to concentrate on missionary work. He received a PhD i Human Development from Honolulu University, Hawaii, USA.
He says In May 1981 he received a mandate, through an 18 hour vision from God, to liberate the world from the oppression of the devil by preaching the word of faith. As a result he founded Liberation Faith Hour ministries, which later became Living Faith Church World Wide (LFCWW) .
17th September 1983 David and his wife Florence (now known as Faith) were both ordained pastors by Pastor Enoch Adeboye , the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. 1988 David is ordained bishop.
The church was founded on the 11th of December 1983. Cannanland was procured in 1983 and was initially 560 acres. The foundation laying took place on 29th August 1998. The church’s international headquarters , Faith Tabernacle was built in Cannanland between 1998- 9 and took 12 months to complete. It was dedicated in September 1999.
David’s church runs its own publishing company- Dominion Publishing House.
It was commissioned on 5th December 1992. It has published 70 Christian, inspirational and motivational books, magazines and other resources. It has over 4 million prints in circulation to date (See* Book Publishing* )
Cannanland is turning into Cannan City. It has Covenant university, Faith Academy secondary and Kingdom heritage model schools, plus shops, restaurants and housing. In 2012 it was proposing to build a 15,000 housing estate on the 17,000 acres. ( See Place of worship)
The church owns 4 private jets and several buildings in London and USA.
The Chapel International network of churches is now located in over 300 cities, in all states in Nigeria, and in several cities in 45 African nations, the UK and USA. David had been recognized as one of the pioneers of the Christian charismatic movement and exponent of prosperity theology in Africa. He is one of the most powerful preachers in Nigeria and is Chancellor of both the Covenant and Landmark University.
In March 2020 he opened his church during the COVID -19 pandemic
(Read Sunday service after backlash)
Sources used
Oyedepo speaks on Sunday after backlash
The Alpha course is a basic introduction to Christianity supported by churches of many Christian traditions.
The Alpha course has been led by the clergy at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB)
The Alpha course was started in 1977 by Charles Marnham, a curate at (HTB), a parish of the Church of England in London.
It was a course a originally meant for church members to help them with the basics of belief commonly held by believers in Christ. It then developed into an introduction for those interested in knowing about Christianity.
John Irvine in 1981, a curate at HTB, took over the course and developed it into the 10 week course which continues to this day.
Nicky Lee in 1985 and then Nicky Gumbel (1990 - present) , then took over the reigns in the UK. In 1996 the Bishop of London appointed Nicky Gumbel as Alpha Chaplain. Nicky, at the time was still the curate at HTB. In 2005, when the previous vicar Sandy Millar retired, Nicky was installed as vicar of HTB.
Under his leadership the course was transformed/developed from one designed for new Christians to one primarily for those outside the church who would not consider themselves Christians.
Nicky has written a number of books related to The* Alpha* course.
Questions of life - sold 1 million copies, published in 48 languages & voted Christian Book of the year 1994. Plus 7 more books.
In the USA Gerard Bramwell Long was responsible for the Alpha course from 2006-14 -(resigned due to daughter drowning).
The course grew rapidly in Britain in the 1990s. From 4 courses in 1991 to 2,5000 courses in 1995. In 1998, when it was at its peak, 10,500 courses. In 2001 it had fallen to 7,300.
In 2018 the Alpha website described the course as running in over 100 countries, in 100 languages and with 24 million having taken the course. The courses, developed by Nicky Gumbel, are being run by most Christian denominations, throughout the world, with some variation in course material.
When I wrote Four Wise Men which looked at St. David(W), St. Patrick(I), St. Andrew (S) and St George(E) a number of different front covers were created. All four patron saint titles stand separately as individual sets of work on this web site.
The Welsh flag is the red lion on a white/green back ground but the St. David flag is a gold cross on a black background.
I also created several blanks which pupils could colour.
I thought they would be useful if the pupils wanted to bring the four of them together in one booklet.